Rick moody

Rick Moody

Hello my name is Rick Moody I have been a Christian for most of my life.

I got saved at a Lovesong concert on an easter weekend back in 1977! I have been going to church off and on since then Baptist, Pentecostal and Non-denominational churches.

And during most of my life I fought the demon of lust and could not get free. I finally decided in my heart that some things we cannot get free from because I was taught that a christian cannot be controlled by demons.

It was a matter of my will power to get free. At this point it cost me my family.Still it took me another 13 years to come to a place where I realized that christians can indeed be controlled by demons!

My wife had me watch a zoom video that Isaiah Saldivar was casting demons out of someone and it woke me up to the truth! The next day I did self deliverance and cast that demon out of me and I have been free for over two years now!

Since then not only do I believe that christians can have demons but have been involved in setting them FREE!

Jesus said “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”